Extension of the CDBG-DR Expenditure Deadline
Suffolk County officials and project stakeholders are working diligently to protect the CDBG-DR funding, making the SCCRI sewer projects, including the Forge River Watershed Sewer Project, possible. To read several letters written by stakeholder groups calling for the extension of the CDBG-DR expenditure deadline, click below.
September 20, 2018 Public Information Session Display Boards
Two public information sessions were held recently at the Mastic Road firehouse so residents could learn the latest sewer project developments. A series of display boards were used to highlight some of the key facts of the sewer system.
May 16, 2018 Public Information Session Display Boards
Two public information sessions were held recently at the Mastic Road firehouse so residents could learn the latest sewer project developments. A series of display boards were used to highlight some of the key facts of the sewer system.
May 22, 2018 Public Hearing on environmental study
Two public information sessions were held recently at the Mastic Road firehouse so residents could learn the latest sewer project developments. A series of display boards were used to highlight some of the key facts of the sewer system. A Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Forge River Watershed Project will be held next Tuesday (May 22, 2018), from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Mastic Fire District, 1080 Mastic Road. The New York State Governor's Office of Storm Recovery, which prepared the DEIS, will be seeking the public's comments on the report.
NEPA/SEQRA Environmental Review Public Scoping Document
The problem of water pollution and how it is affects the quality of life in the Mastic-Shirley area has been discussed and studied for a number of years. Following is a document related to the problem and creation of a new sewer district: Forge River Watershed Sewer Project NEPA/SEQRA Environmental Review Public Scoping Meeting Presentation: Federal Emergency Management Agency and New York State Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (January 26, 2016)